
Listing/Bibliography of known documentation on archaeological post-excavation (PX) and analysis procedures – both published or unpublished.

Published Post-Excavation Guidance

Adams, M. 1992. ‘Stratigraphy after Harris: Some Questions’, in K. Steane (ed.) Interpreting Stratigraphy. A Review of the Art. 13-16. Lincoln: City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit.

Barber, J. (ed.) 1993. Interpreting Stratigraphy. Edinburgh: AOC Scotland Ltd.

Bayliss, A. and Marshall, P. 2022. Radiocarbon Dating and Chronological Modelling: Guidelines and Best Practice. Historic England, London. Available at:

Birbeck, V. and Schuster, J., 2009 Living and working in Roman and later London: excavations at 60-63 Fenchurch Street, Wessex Archaeology Report 25. Wessex Archaeology, Salisbury.

Browman, D.L. and Givens, D.R. 1996. ‘Stratigraphic Excavation: The First “New Archaeology”‘. American Anthropologist, 91, (1), 80-95.

Brown, M.R. and Harris, E.C. 1993. ‘Interfaces in Archaeological Stratigraphy’, in E.C. Harris, M.R. Brown and G.J. Brown (eds.), Practices of Archaeological Stratigraphy. 7-20. London: Academic Press.

Carver, M.O.H. 1979. ‘Three Saxo-Norman Tenements in Durham City’. Medieval Archaeology, 23, 1-80.

Carver, M.O.H. 1987. Underneath English Towns: Interpreting Urban Archaeology. London: B.T. Batsford.

Carver, M.O.H. 1990. ‘Digging for Data: Archaeological Approaches to Data Definition, Acquisition and Analysis’, in R. Francovich & D. Manacorda (eds) Lo Scavo Archaeologico: Edizioni all’Insegna del Giglio. 42-120. Firenze: All’Insegna del Giglio SAS.

Carver, M O H (2004) ‘Respecting the feature: The role of higher order concepts in archaeological stratigraphy’, in G. Carver (ed.) Digging in the dirt : excavation in a new millenium / session proceedings edited by Geoff Carver. 179-180. Oxford, UK: John and Erica Hedges Ltd.

Carver, M.O.H. 2009. Archaeological Investigation. London: Routledge.

Clark, P. 2000. ‘Post-excavation analysis: moving from the context to the phase’, in S. Roskams (ed.) Interpreting Stratigraphy: Site Evaluation, Recording Procedures and Stratigraphic Analysis 157-160. BAR International Series 910.

Clark, P. & Hutcheson, A. 1993. ‘New approaches to the recording of archaeological stratification’, in J. Barber (ed.) Interpreting Stratigraphy 65-68. Edinburgh: AOC (Scotland).

Davies, D. 2017a. Stratification Theory. BAJR Guide 40. British Archaeological Jobs and Resources.

Davies, D. 2017b. The Development Of Archaeological Post-Excavation Within British Professional Archaeology, BAJR Guide 46. Available at: (not https://)

Furlan, G. 2019. ‘Dating Urban Classical Deposits: Approaches and Problems in Using Finds to Date Strata’. Archaeopress.

Hammer, F. 2000. ‘The Structuring of Records: Different Systems in use from Excavation Through to Publication.’, in S. Roskams (ed.) Interpreting Stratigraphy: Site Evaluation, Recording Procedures and Stratigraphic Analysis. Papers Presented at the Interpreting Stratigraphy Conferences 1993-1997, 143–150. Oxford: Archaeopress.

Harris, E.C. 1979. ‘The Laws of Archaeological Stratigraphy’. World Archaeology, 11, 111-117.

Harris, E. 1989. Principles of Archaeological Stratigraphy, 2nd Edition. London and New York: Academic Press. Available at: Free (on registering) Download available at:

Harris, E.C., Brown, M.R. & Brown, G.J. (eds) 1993. Practices of Archaeological Stratigraphy. London: Academic Press. Available at: Free (on registering) Download available at:

May, K. 2020. ‘The Matrix: connecting time and space in archaeological stratigraphic records and archives’, Internet Archaeology 55.

May, K., Taylor, J.S. & Binding, C. 2023. ‘The Matrix: connecting and re-using digital records and archives of archaeological investigations.’ Internet Archaeology 61.

Pavel, C. (2010). Describing and Interpreting the Past – European and American Approaches to the Written Record of the Excavation. Bucharest: Editura Universităţii din Bucureti.

Pearson, N. & Williams, T. 1993. ‘Single-context planning: its role in on-site recording procedures and in post-excavation analysis at York’, in E.C. Harris, M.R. Brown and G.J Brown (eds) Practices of Archaeological Stratigraphy. London: Academic Press. 89-103. Available at:

Perring, D. 1983. Manuale di Archeologia Urbana. Milan: Gruppi Archeologici Nord Italia.

Roskams, S. 1991. ‘Finds Context and Deposit Status’, in K. Steane (ed.) Interpreting Stratigraphy, 27-29. Lincoln: City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit.

Roskams, S. (ed.) 1999. Interpreting Stratigraphy 8. York: University of York.

Roskams, S. (ed.) 2000. Interpreting Stratigraphy: Site Evaluation, Recording Procedures and Stratigraphic Analysis: Papers Presented to the Interpreting Stratigraphy Conferences 1993-1997. Oxford: Archaeopress.

Roskams, S. 2000b. ‘Landuse Diagrams at Carthage’, in S. Roskams (ed.) Interpreting Stratigraphy: Site Evaluation, Recording Procedures and Stratigraphic Analysis. Papers Presented at the Interpreting Stratigraphy Conferences 1993 – 1997. 225-227. Oxford: Archaeopress.

Roskams, S. 2001. Excavation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Roskams, S. 2020. The Post-excavation Analysis and Archiving of Outputs from Complex, Multi-period Landscape Investigations: the example of Heslington East, York, (section 5 especially). Internet Archaeology 55.

Saunders, T. 2004. ‘Breaking up time: The problems of ‘Phasing Stratigraphy”, in G. Carver (ed.) Digging in the dirt: excavation in a new millenium / session proceedings edited by Geoff Carver. 161-172. John and Erica Hedges Ltd.

Shepherd, L. 1993. ‘Interpreting Landscapes – Analysis of Excavations in and Around the Southern Bailey of Norwich Castle’, in J. Barber (ed.) Interpreting Stratigraphy. 3-10. Edinburgh: AOC (Scotland) Ltd.

Shepherd, L. (ed.) 1995. Interpreting Stratigraphy 5. Bawedeswell: Interpreting Stratigraphy 5.

Spence, C. 1993. ‘Recording the Archaeology of London: the Development and Implementation of the DUA Recording System’, in E.C. Harris, M.R. Brown III & G.J. Brown (eds.) Practices of Archaeological Stratigraphy. 23-46. London: Academic Press.

Steane, K. (ed.) 1992. Interpreting Stratigraphy: A Review of the Art. Lincoln: City of Lincoln Archaeology Unit.

Steane, K. 1993 ‘Land Use Diagrams – A Hierarchy of Site Interpretation’, in J Barber (ed) Interpreting Stratigraphy, 11-14. Edinburgh: AOC (Scotland) Ltd.

Taylor, J.S. 2016. Making Time For Space At Çatalhöyük: GIS As A Tool For Exploring Intra-Site Spatiotemporality Within Complex Stratigraphic Sequences. PhD. University of York. Available at:

Thomas, R. & Darvill, T. 2022. ‘What haven’t we found? Recognising the value of negative evidence in archaeology’, Antiquity. Available at:

Wallach, E. 2019. ‘Inference from absence: the case of archaeology’, Palgrave Communications, 5. Available at:

Westman, A. & Shepherd, L. 1992. ‘From City Site to Research Archive…’, London Archaeologist, 6 (16). 435 – 443. London Archaeologist Association [data-set], York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor], 435-43. Available at:

Unpublished Post-Excavation Guidance

Hammer, F (2002). Post-Ex. Manual [Online]. Interpreting Stratigraphy Group. Last updated: 7 April 2002. Available at: [Last Accessed 01 March 2023 – website no longer supported].

Hill, J. 2013. MOLA “G13_Revised Oracle field inputting and guidance”. London: Museum of London Archaeology [version dated: 18/04/2013]

MOLA Headland Infrastructure. 2020. GUIDANCE FOR A14 STRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS Version 2. London: MOLA Headland Infrastructure.

Swift, D. 2011(revised 2018). Post-Excavation Manual 2: Post-Excavation Analysis and Reporting Guidelines. Unpublished Guideline Document. London, United Kingdom: Archaeology South-East.

Thorpe, R. 1995. A Reference Guide to Checking the Drawn and Written Record. Unpublished guidance documentation for the AUB/ACRE excavations in Downtown Beirut. Retrieved from

Thorpe, R. 1996. A Quick Guide to Preliminary Phasing. Unpublished guidance documentation for the AUB/ACRE excavations in Downtown Beirut. Retrieved from

Westman, A. (Ed.), (1986). DUA Archive Report Writing Manual (4th edition), Unpublished Document. London: Department of Urban Archaeology.

Selected academic publications dedicated either exclusively or largely to the methodology and practice of field recording:

Badè, W.F. (1934). A Manual of Excavation in the Near East: Methods of Digging and Recording of the Tell en-Nasbth Expedition in Palestine. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Barker, P. (1993). Techniques of Archaeological Excavation. 3rd ed. London: Batsford.

Carver, M.O.H. 2009 Archaeological Investigation, London: Routledge.

Dever, W. & Lance,  D. (1982). A Manual of Field Excavation: Handbook for Field Archaeologists. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College.

Droop, J.P. (1915). Archaeological Excavation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hester, T.R., Shafer, H.J. & Feder, K.L. (2016). Field Methods in Archaeology. Seventh Edition. Milton : Taylor and Francis.

Hoggett, Richard. (circa 2000). Principles and Practice: The Application Of The Harris Matrix To Standing Building Recording. Unpublished MA Dissertation. Bristol University.

Joukowsky, M.S. (1980). A Complete Manual of Field Archaeology: Tools and Techniques of Field Work for Archaeologists. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.

Kenyon, K.M. (1964). Beginning in Archaeology. 2nd Rev. ed. London: Dent & Sons.

Lucas, G. (2001). Critical Approaches to Fieldwork: Contemporary and Historical Archaeological Practice. London: Routledge.

Roskams, S. (2001). Excavation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Tassie, G. J. & Owens, L. K. (2010) Standards of Archaeological Excavation: A field guide to methodology, recording techniques, and conventions. London: Golden House.

Wheeler, R.E.M. & Hogarth H.A. (1964). Archaeology from the Earth. 3rd Impr. ed. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Selective list of mostly unpublished Field Recording Manuals

Anfinson, S. (2005). SHPO Manual for Archaeological Projects in Minnesota. St. Paul MN.,  State Historic Preservation Office, Minnesota Historical Society.

Çatalhöyük Research Project (2014). Çatalhöyük: Crib Sheet – Instructions to the Recording System at Çatalhöyük. Çatalhöyük Research Project.

Crow Canyon Archaeological Center (2001). The Crow Canyon Archaeological Center Field Manual.

Guy D.R. Sanders, G.D.R., James, S.A. & Johnson, A.C. (2017) Corinth Excavations Archaeological Manual. Grand Forks, ND: The Digital Press at the University of North Dakota.

Historic England (2018). Historic England Archaeological Recording Manual. Historic England. 

Lucas G. (ed.) (2003). Archaeological Field Manual: Fornleifastofnun Íslands. 3rdEdition. Reykjavik, Iceland. 

Museum of London Archaeology Service (1994). Archaeological Site Manual. Third Edition. Museum of London.

Oregon State Historic Preservation Office (2007). Guidelines for Conducting Field Archaeology in Oregon. Salem, OR.

Virginia Department of Historic Resources (2011). Guidelines for Conducting Historical Resources Survey in Virginia. Richmond, VA.

Some More International Examples


Pavel, C. (2010). Describing and Interpreting the Past – European and American Approaches to the Written Record of the Excavation, Bucharest: University of Bucharest Press.

Austria & Germany

A. Kinne, Tabellen und Grafiken zur Grabungstechnik – 9th Edition 2019


Sharon, I. 1995. Models for Stratigraphic Analysis of Tell Sites. Ph.D. dissertation. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. (page numbers in this PDF do not fit the submitted version)

Zorn, J. and I. Sharon, eds. 2013. Tel Dor Excavations – Staff Manual. Unpublished manuscript. 3rd edition.

USA & Canada